- Стимул государственности
- Кадровая политика
- Политика инноваций
- Модернизация: управление экономикой
- Управление территорией
- Национальная безопасность
- Политическая компетентность
- Культурный императив
- Нация: наука и образование
- Вызовы современности
Редакция принимает статьи, обеспечивающие защиту диссертационных исследований на соискание ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук по обозначенным в Перечне ВАК Министерства образования и науки РФ направлениям:
Минимальный объем статьи: •один автор — от 7 стр.-до 15 стр.
•два автора — от 10 стр.-до 18 стр. •три автора — 12 стр.- до 20 стр., набранного в Word. Параметры набора: 14-й размер кегля, Times New Roman, поля: верхнее и нижнее — по 2,5 см; левое и правое — по 3,5 см. К статье обязательно прилагаются:
Статьи докторантов, кроме данной рубрики, могут быть помещены и в других рубриках журнала, если их тематика отвечает актуальности и цели номера. Статьи в обязательном порядке рецензируются членами Редакционно-экспертного совета журнала в соответствии с профилем представленной работы и (или) привлеченными редакцией учеными или специалистами согласно порядку рецензирования рукописей. Отрицательная рецензия является основанием для отказа в публикации работы (автору сообщается об этом в письменном виде). Гонорар за публикацию статей не выплачивается. Авторы передают редакции исключительное право на использование произведения следующими способами:
Представление материала, поступившего в адрес редакции, является конклюдентным действием, направленным на возникновение соответствующих прав и обязанностей. Согласие автора на опубликование материала на указанных условиях, а также на размещение его в электронной версии журнала предполагается. Редакция оставляет за собой право размещать материалы и статьи журнала в электронных правовых системах и иных электронных базах данных. Автор может известить редакцию о своем несогласии с подобным использованием его материала при представлении статьи. В случае нарушения перечисленных редакционных требований материал может быть возвращен автору на доработку. О внесенных изменениях автор обязан сообщить редакции (письмо в электронном виде). При несоблюдении автором предъявляемых требований редакция имеет право отказаться публиковать представленный материал с мотивированным объяснением причин отказа.
Направление статьи в редакцию означает принятие автором условий договора о передаче неисключительных прав. Все исключительные права остаются у автора (авторов).
Nodari Darchoevich Eriashvili doctor of economics, candidate of jurisprudence, candidate of historical sciences, professor Chief Editor 8-499-740-68-30 8-499-740-60-14 (15)
V.D. Zorkin, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, Chief Judge of Constitutional Court of Russia
V.M. Lebedev, doctor of law, professor, Chief Judge of Supreme Court of Russia
A.I. Bastrykin, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, Chairman of Investigation Committee of Russia
V.V. Ustinov, doctor of law, professor, Plenipotentiary Representative of President of Russia
in South Federal District
I.N. Zubov, doctor of law, professor, secretary of state — deputy minister of Interior of Russia
S.S. Abdulhanov, Chief Justice of Constitutional Court of Chechen Republic, Honored lawyer of Chechen Republic
O.I. Aleksandrova, candidate of law, associate professor, rector of Russian law academy of the Ministry of justice of Russia
A.U. Albekov, doctor of law, professor, Honored master of sciences of Russia, rector of Rostov State University
of Economics
I.F. Amelchakov, candidate of law, associate professor, chief of Ministry of Interior of Russia Belgorod Institute of Law
S.N. Baburin, doctor of law, professor, President of Association of legal higher education institutions of the Russian Federation President of National strategy of reforms Institute
A.M. Bagmet, candidate of law, acting rector of Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russia
E.P. Bazhanov, doctor of history, professor, academician of the World ecological academy, Honored worker of science of Russia, rector of Diplomatic academy of MFA of Russia
Е.N. Barikaev, candidate of economics, associate professor, head of Auditing Department of MIA of Russia
A.V. Belotserkovsky, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, rector of Tver State University
M.N. Berulava, doctor of pedagogics, professor, academician of RAE, president of the University of Russian Academy of Education
L.A. Bokeria, doctor of medicine, professor, academician of RAS and RAMS, director of the Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
N.S. Bondar, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, Honored master of sciences of Russia, judge
of the Constitutional Court of Russia
A.V. Bykov, doctor of law, professor, chief of Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation Research Institute
S.N. Volkov, doctor of economics, professor, academician of the RAAS, rector of State University of Land Use
Planning archpriest Vladimir Vorobiev, rector of St. Tikhon‘s Orthodox University
G.A. Gadzhiev, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, Judge of Constitutional Court of Russia
A.R. Galustov, candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, rector of Armavir State Academy of Pedagogics
К.К. Gasanov, doctor of law, professor, deputy chief of Moscow University of MIA of Russia name V.Ya. Kikot
I.R. Gafurov, doctor of economics, professor, candidate of physics and mathematics, Honored economist of Russia,
rector of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
G.Sh. Gvetadze, doctor of medicine, professor, Honored doctor of Russia, Deputy Director on scientific and medical work of Central Scientific-Research Institute of dental and Cranio-facial Research, Ministry of health of Russia
V.Yu. Golubovskiy, doctor of law, professor, director of department of state service, personnel and administartion of Ministry of education and science of Russia
I.V. Goncharov, doctor of law, professor, Honorable worker Russian Ministry of internal affairs, deputy Chief of the Russian interior Ministry Academy of management
V.I. Grishin, doctor of economics, professor, rector of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
A.Ya. Grishko, doctor of law, professor, Commissioner for Human Rights in Ryazan region
I.V. Groshev, vice-rector on scientific work of Tambov state university named after G.R. Derzhavin, doctor of psychology, doctor of economics, professor, Honored scientist of Russia
A.I. Guk, candidate of philosophy, chief of Ministry of Interior of Russia Ural Institute of Law
Yu.N. Demidov, doctor of law, professor, Head of the All-Russian institute for advanced studies Russian interior Ministry officers
V.A. Dines, doctor of history, professor, Honored master of sciences of Russia, scientific director of Saratov State Social and Economic University
V.N. Egorov, doctor of economics, professor, rector of Ivanovo State University
S.N. Emeyanov, candidate of pedagogics, professor, chief of Vladimir Law Institute of FPS of Russia
А.V. Endoltseva, doctor of legal sciences, professor, deputy chief of Moscow University of MIA of Russia name V.Ya. Kikot on scientific work
S.S. Zhevlakovich, candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, Honored worker of higher school of Russia, first deputy chief of Moscow University of MIA of Russia name V.Ya. Kikot
F.K. Zinnurov, candidate of psychology, doctor of pedagogics, professor, chief of Ministry of Interior of Russia Kazan Institute of Law
B.M. Igoshev, doctor of pedagogics, professor, rector of Ural State University of Pedagogics
D.G. Ioseliani, doctor of medicine, professor, director of Interventional Cardioangiology Science Center
R.E. Kalinin, doctor of medicine, professor, rector of Ryazan State Medical University name Academician I.P. Pavlov
I.А. Kalinichenko, candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, chief of Ministry of Interior of Russia Moscow University name V.Ya. Kikot
O.S. Kapinus, doctor of law, professor, Honorable prosecutor of the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia
O.G. Karpovich, doctor of law, doctor of politics, professor, head of Center for Comparative Researches, Institute for USA and Canada Studies RAS
A.V. Kikot, doctor of law, prosecutor of Novgorod region
A.I. Komzolov, doctor of law, associate professor, chief of Law department of the Presidential Executive Office
P.V. Krasheninnikov, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, Head of Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation of State Duma of Russia
A.A. Krymov, head of Academy of law and administration of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia (Ryazan), candidate of law, associate professor
V.L. Kubyshko, candidate of pedagogics, chief of Public Service and Personnel Department of Ministry of Interior of Russia
V.A. Kudin, candidate of law, professor, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, chief of Ministry of Interior of Russia Saint-Petersburg University
R.V. Kuleshov, head of Department for coordination of scientific activity in the MIA of Russia of management training Department of state service and personnel of the MIA of Russia, candidate of law
G.I. Lazarev, doctor of economics, professor, rector of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
E.L. Loginov, doctor of economics, twice Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Science and Technology, deputy director of Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
V.О. Luchin, doctor of law, professor, Honored master of sciences of Russia, Honored lawyer of Russia, Justice of the Constitutional Court of Russia (resigned)
I.Yu. Makarikhin, doctor of physics and mathematics, rector of Perm State National Research University
V.A. Maltsev, doctor of sociology, professor, Honored higher education employee of Russia, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education, director of Nizhny Novgorod Management Institute of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
V.B. Mantusov, doctor of economics, professor, Head of chair of world economy of Diplomatic academy of MFA of Russia
I.O. Marinkin, doctor of medicine, professor rector of Novosibirsk State Medical University
V.G. Martynov, doctor of economics, professor, member of the RANS, rector of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
S.E. Metelev, doctor of economics, professor, director of Omsk Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
L.E. Mindeli, doctor of economics, professor, academician of RANS, Honored master of sciences of Russia, director of Institute for the Studyof Science of RAS
G.B. Mirzoev, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, rector of Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notaries
S.Yu. Naumov, doctor of history, professor, director of Saratov Social and Economic Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Y.S. Pilipenko, doctor of law, First Vice President of Federal Chamber of Lawyers of Russia
T.A. Poyarova, candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, director of Pedagogical Institute of Vologda State University
V.D. Prokopenko, doctor of medicine, professor, Honored doctor of Russia, chief doctor of CDC «Medincenter» of Main Administration for Service to the Diplomatic Corps
M.Kh. Rabadanov, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor, rector of Dagestan State University
A.A. Rean, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, executive director of Federal project «Strong family» of party «United Russia», corresponding member of RAE
G.M. Reznik, doctor of law, Chairman of Presidium of Moscow Chamber of Lawyers
A.N. Romanov, doctor of economics, professor, Honored master of sciences of Russia, Financial University under the Government of Russia
B.V. Rossinsky, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of Russia, first pro-rector of the Russian Law Academy of Russia Ministry of Justice
N.V. Rumyantsev, doctor of law
S.G. Simagina, doctor of economics, director of Scientific and Research Institute of Education and Science
A.V. Simonenko, doctor of law, professor, chief of Krasnodar University of Ministry of Interior of Russia
S.A. Solodovnikov, doctor of law, professor, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Kirov region
S.V. Stepashin, doctor of law, professor, President of the Russian Book Union Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
Yu.F. Telnov, doctor of economics, professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
T.Sh. Tinikashvili, doctor of economics, professor of Khetagurov North Ossetian State University, deputy minister of Economic Development of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania
N.V. Tikhomirova, doctor of economics, professor, rector of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
Yu.V. Toropin, candidate of law, first deputy head of the Academy of the Interior Ministry of Russia, Honored worker of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, Honorary worker of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
I.O. Tyumentsev, doctor of history, professor, rector of Volgograd branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
A.A. Fedulin, doctor of history, professor, rector of Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies
M.V. Fedorov, doctor of economics, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor, rector of Ural State University of Economics
A.M. Tsaliev, doctor of law, professor, member of the Academy of Humanities, member of the Academy
of Legal Sciences of Russia, president of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania
Yu.A. Tsypkin, doctor of economics, professor, chairman of the Educational and Methodological Center «Professional textbook»
N.M. Chepurnova, professor of the department of state and legal disciplines of the Institute of public service and administration of Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and public administration, doctor of law,
professor, Honored lawyer of Russia
O.V. Shtygasheva, doctor of medicine, professor, rector of Khakass State University name N.F. Katanov
B.S. Ebzeev, doctor of law, professor, Honored master of sciences of Russia, Honored lawyer of Russia, member of Central Election Commission of Russia
N.D. Eriashvili, candidate of history, candidate of law, doctor of economics, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Science and Technology, Chief editor of «State service and personnel» magazine
M.A. Eskindarov, doctor of economics, professor, Honored master of sciences of Russia, rector of the Financial University under the Government of Russia
O.O. Yanushevich, doctor of medicine, professor, rector of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
Foreign Members of Editorial Board
V.V. Bachila, candidate of law, associate professor, chief of the Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Belarus
G.A. Vasilevich, doctor of law, professor, Honored lawyer of the Republic of Belarus
G.S. Gurbanov, doctor of law, professor, head of the department of the theory of state and law, civil law and civil procedure of the Institute of philosophy and law National academy of sciences Azerbaijan
Kvesitadze, academician, president of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences
T.V. Gamkrelidze, academician, Honored president of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Papava, academician, rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
A.V. Demetrashvili, doctor of law, professor (Republic of Georgia)
G.G. Charaev, doctor of economics, professor, director of the Russian and Georgian Academy
L.M. Preygerman, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, President of the Israel independent Academy of development of sciences
L.N. Tepman, doctor of economics,professor, Israel Independent Academy of Development of Sciences
Chingis, President of Law enforcement University of Mongolia, professor
Издательство ЮНИТИ-ДАНА выпускает учебную литературу для высшего и среднего профессионального образования, научную литературу, а также информационно-аналитические и научно-публицистические журналы.
Издательство ЮНИТИ-ДАНА (до 1999 г. — ЮНИТИ) основано в 1990 г. За эти годы издано более 4 тыс. наименований книг общим тиражом более 60 млн. экз.
ЮНИТИ — одно из ведущих центральных издательств, выпускающих учебную литературу для вузов. По учебникам ЮНИТИ занимается уже не одно поколение студентов России и ближнего зарубежья. Издаваемая учебная литература проходит рецензирование, экспертизу и имеет грифы Министерства образования и науки РФ или соответствующих УМО вузов, а также УМЦ «Профессиональный учебник».
Наши авторы — известные и опытные преподаватели, профессора, доктора и кандидаты наук, а также пока малоизвестные, но перспективные молодые преподаватели и ученые из Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Екатеринбурга, Нижнего Новгорода, Барнаула, Омска, Воронежа, Минска, Одессы и других городов.
Среди наших зарубежных авторов ученые с мировым именем: К. Друри, Р. Дафт, Ф. Котлер, Дж. Уокер, У. Бомол, И. Атватер и др.
Новые издания учебников, получивших широкое признание у читателей и выходивших в свет двумя-тремя изданиями, публикуются в серии «Золотой фонд российских учебников».
Учебная литература по гуманитарным и гуманитарно-социальным дисциплинам объединена в серию «Cogito ergo sum».
Серия «Dura lex, sed lex» представляет учебную литературу по отраслям права.
Для студентов, обучающихся в магистратуре, аспирантов, преподавателей вузов и научных работников предназначены книги серии «Magister».
Серия «Зарубежный учебник» представляет переводы лучших западных учебников по актуальной для России тематике.
Издательство выпускает следующие журналы:
ежемесячный научно-публицистический журнал «Закон и право», издаваемый при содействии Министерства юстиции РФ и Министерства внутренних дел РФ
ежеквартальный научно-публицистический журнал «Образование. Наука. Научные кадры»
ежеквартальный информационно-аналитический журнал «Защити меня».
С сентября 2010 г. издательство приступило к выпуску электронных учебников.
В ассортименте представлено свыше 100 наименований электронных учебников на CD в формате pdf.
Издательство ежегодно участвует в Московской международной книжной выставке-ярмарке и ежегодно публикует аннотированные каталоги и прайс-каталоги своих изданий.
Вся информация о новых книгах, книгах, готовящихся к печати и имеющихся в наличии, а также электронных изданиях представлена на сайте издательства.
Publishing house UNITY-DANA publishes textbooks for higher and vocational education, scientific literature, as well as analytic and scientific magazines.
Publishing house UNITY-DANA (until 1999 – UNITY) was founded in 1990. And over the years published more than 4 thousand titles with more than 60 million copies.
UNITY-DANA – one of leading publishers of textbooks for schools. By textbooks of UNITY had studied more than one generation of students in Russia and abroad. Published education literature takes reviews and expertise with approval by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Our authors – known and experienced teachers, professors, ph.ds, as well as little-known but promising young teachers and scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Voronezh, and other cities.
Among our foreign authors, scientists: C. Drury, R. Daft, Kotler, John. Walker, William Baumol, J. Atwater etc.
New editions of textbooks, received wide acclaim from readers and the publication of two or three editions, published in the series «Golden Fund of Russian books.»
Textbooks in the humanities and social sciences combined in series «Cogito ergo sum».
Series «Dura lex, sed lex» is educational literature on areas of the law.
For students enrolled in a master’s degree, post-graduate students, professors and researchers are the book series «Magister».
The series «Foreign textbook» is best translated Western books on topics relevant to Russia.
Publishing publishes the following magazines:
Monthly scientific-publicist journal «Law and Legislation», published with the assistance of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Quarterly scientific-publicist journal «Education. Science. Scientific personnel»
Quarterly information and analytical magazine «Protect me.»
Since September 2010 the publishing house has started producing electronic textbooks.
The assortment includes more than 100 titles of electronic books on CD in pdf.
Publisher annually participates in the Moscow International Book Fair, and publishes an annual annotated catalogs and price catalogs of its publications.
All information about the new book, preparing for print and available, as well as electronic publications is available at the publisher
Scientific publications covering problems civil service and personnel
Предполагаемая периодичность — четыре раз в год.
Освещение современных методов управления государственной службой и ее кадровым потенциалом, детальный разбор кадровых проблем, рекомендации по разработке детальных актов, публикация научных статей на соискание степеней доктора и кандидата наук
Материалы с четко выраженной ориентацией на актуальные проблемы государственной службы, государственного и муниципального управления
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 04/2024
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 03/2024
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 02/2024
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 01/2024
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 05/2023
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 04/2023
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 03/2023
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 02/2023
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 01/2023
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 05/2022
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 04/2022
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 03/2022
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 02/2022
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 01/2022
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 05/2021
Журнал "Государственная служба и Кадры" № 04/2021